Hari ni rasa macam nak buat Brownie coz my daughter maya love brownie so much. So belek punya belek dalam fridge ada telur and chocolate couverture and butter...wahhh!! Ni dah boleh buat dah ni. Apa lagi terus lah meltkan butter and chocolate tadi dan bancuhkan dgn tepung and telur bersama sedikit vanilla. Rasa mcm nak letak walnut sikit, tu yang buat sedap tu. Buat brownie rupa2nya senang je, dulu ingatkan susah sangat nak buat brownie tapi bila dah tahu, rahsianya senang je. Apa lagi Maya enjoying her brownie lah!! Kalau anda nak kan resepinya boleh je saya bagi. Email je pada saya atau pm saya di fb, gerenti saya beri, saya tak kedekut ilmu cuma blog ni bukan macam blog lain, ni cuma untuk suka2 je. Ada setengah blog tu dia akan sertakan resepinya sekali tapi yang ini tidak.Seperti yang di beritahu tadi blog ni cuma untuk suka2 saja tapi kalau nak kan resepi saya akan emailkan. Tapi memandangkan ramai kawan-kawan yang nakkan resepi ok lah, I letak Terus dalam blog ni.
375 g soft unsalted butter
375 g best quality dark chocolate
6 large eggs
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
500 g caster sugar
225 g plain flour
1 teaspoon salt
300 g chopped walnuts
1 Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2 Line your approximatley 33 x 23 x 5 1/2cm brownie pan with foil or baking paper.
3 Melt the butter and chocolate together in a large heavy based saucepan.
4 In a bowl beat the eggs with the sugar and vanilla.
5 Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt.
6 When the chocolate mixture has melted, let it cool a bit before beating in the eggs and sugar mixture, and then the nuts and flour.
7 Beat to combine and then scrape out of the saucepan into the lined brownie pan.
8 Bake for about 25 minutes.
9 When its's ready, the top should be dried to a paler brown speckle, but the middle still dark and dense and gooey. 10 Keep checking the brownies as they cook; remember that they will continue to cook as they cool.
Recipe: Nigella Lawson from How To Be A Domestic Goddess
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